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Summer Update from Pastor Kevin

Kevin Mills

Dear Northway Church,

As we come closer to entering the month of July, I would like to update you on my schedule and the schedule for our worship gatherings during the remaining weeks of summer. For the next several Sundays, I will not be preaching on Sunday morning. One week I will join our team working in an orphanage and nutrition center in Guatemala, one week will be for a family vacation, and the other weeks I will use to plan and prepare for the next church year.

I’m very thankful for the pastors on our staff who have been gifted in studying and communicating God’s word. I strongly encourage you to be present each Sunday as we gather together to worship through music and preaching.

Following are the remaining Sundays of summer break and who will be preaching on each of those Sundays:

June 25: Will Washburn

July 2: Stephen Howard

July 9: Stephen Howard

July 16: Ryan Knapp

July 23: Ryan Knapp

July 30: Stephen Howard

Lord willing, I will be preaching on August 6 as we kick off our new church year.

As well, at our business meeting on Wednesday, June 21, our church family approved the 2023-24 budget prepared by our staff and finance team. The $3.52 million budget represents a strong ministry plan for our next fiscal year. I’m incredibly thankful for all those who spent hours working on this budget and the emphasis it gives to reaching our community with the gospel.

Finally, I know that many of you will be taking opportunities this summer to travel and benefit from a more relaxed weekly rhythm. As you do, please continue to remember your church family in your prayers, in your worship attendance, and in your financial giving.

I hope you and your family are having a great summer and enjoying the change of pace from the normal routine of the school year. I look forward to seeing you in worship soon!

Your Pastor,




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