Dear Northway,

The by-laws of our church call for two church-wide business meetings each year: one to be held in January, and the other in June. Traditionally, our June business meeting has been for the purpose of presenting and voting upon the church budget for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The January business meeting has been for the purpose of presenting the previous calendar year’s ministry highlights as well as looking forward to future events and initiatives.
However, our Lead Ministry Team recently voted to postpone our regular January business meeting to a date later in the spring. As many of you are aware, we are in the process of working with Cosco and Associates on a master plan for our church campus. Cosco is a design-build firm specializing in church ministry planning and construction. We’ve put together a team of church members representing several key ministries. This team has met several times to discuss current and future ministry needs. We’ve had the opportunity to dream about the future while having specialists working alongside us and offering very practical wisdom.
While we’ve made significant progress, there is still work that needs to be done. Our team will meet again soon with Cosco to review an updated master plan, offer feedback, and make a recommendation on next steps.
At our last meeting, our Lead Ministry Team discussed this current planning status and decided to postpone our normal January business meeting until a time when we could present this master plan to the church and discuss in more detail our next steps. We anticipate this to be sometime in April, and will notify the church of the time and date as soon as possible.
Please keep this team and the church leadership in your prayers. There are numerous variables being considered as we work through developing a strategic campus plan. We want to be good stewards of the financial resources we’ve been given, as well as looking at future ministry needs and how we can best impact our community for Christ. Needless to say, this requires wisdom and insight that is well beyond what any of us naturally possess. We covet your prayers as we seek the Lord’s will for Northway’s future.
This Sunday, January 23, we will continue our series, “Sins and Stones,” on the life of King David. The title of this Sunday’s sermon is, “How to Get Even.” This will be a two part series on how we can get even with those who have hurt us. I hope you’re now intrigued enough to be at Northway this weekend!
I hope you and your family are well, and I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!
Your Pastor,